EMTALA Regulatory - Part 2

Jan. 22, 2025, 12 - 1:30 p.m.

About the sessions

In May 2024, CMS launched a new option for individuals to report potential violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. In addition to the ability to directly report to CMS concerns about hospital compliance, this new web resources is part of CMS efforts to educate the public and promote patient access to emergency medical care to which they are entitled under federal law. All hospitals, CAH, and rural emergency hospitals must follow the federal law and CMS regulations and interpretative guidelines for the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This two-part series will focus on overall EMTALA regulations with emphasis on problematic areas of EMTALA concepts, adequacy of medical screening, and on-call physician issues.


This part will discuss a range of EMTALA issues including:

  • Appropriate transfers.
  • EMTALA signage.
  • Differences in transfer requirements for ED, observation and inpatients.
  • On-call physician requirements.
  • QIO role in EMTALA survey progress.

Learning objectives

  • Define what language must be on required EMTALA signage and where it must be located.
  • Describe what constitutes an appropriate certification of false labor.
  • Illustrate what an appropriate transfer entails and what must be included on the transfer form.
  • Describe on-call physician rules including schedules and when the on-call physician must appear in the emergency department.
  • Describe the Office of Inspector General role and recent deficiencies and fines concerning on-call physicians.
  • Describe the quality improvement organization’s role with EMTALA.

Recommended to attend

This program is intended for all hospitals and health systems including general acute hospitals, CAH, rural emergency hospitals, and anyone involved with compliance regulations and standards, including but not limited to emergency department staff, obstetrical department staff, governing board members, chief executive officers, chief medical officers, chief nursing officers, physicians, on-call physicians, nurses, quality improvement staff, risk managers, compliance officers and legal counsel, regulatory readiness liaisons, safety officers, department directors, and other interested staff.


  • $60 for MHA member hospital and health systems
  • $60 for MHA associate members
  • $75 per person for nonmembers 

If you have any questions, please reach out to events@mnhospitals.org

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When and Where
  • 1/22/2025 12:00 PM CST
  • 1/22/2025 1:30 PM CST
  • Zoom Webinar