CMS Patient Rights Overview 

Sept. 25, 2024, 12 - 1:30 p.m.


During 2023 and 2024, non-compliances with the Condition of Patient Rights have made this Condition the #1 most frequently cited Condition in the State of Minnesota hospitals and in the nation. 

Hospitals, critical access hospitals and rural emergency hospitals must comply with the CMS CoP. According to CMS and accrediting organizations such as DNV and Joint Commission, Patient Rights and Responsibilities Condition is consistently in the top Condition Level Deficiencies cited. Within that condition, most non-compliances come from the regulations governing care in a safe environment, abuse, restraints, and seclusion.

Learning objectives

Describe the documentation requirements for restraints and seclusion.

Explain restraint death reporting requirements.

Explain the responsibilities of CAH under the 2023 Patient Rights Condition of Participation. Describe the CMS requirements for providing care in a safe environment for all patients. Explain what is require for a physical environmental risk assessment.

Recommended to attend

This program is intended for all hospitals including general acute hospitals, CAH, psychiatric hospitals, hospitals, or CAH with psychiatric units and anyone involved with compliance regulations and standards, including but not limited to Chef Executive Officers, Chef Medical Officers, Chef Nursing Officers, physicians, nurses, quality improvement staff, risk managers, compliance officers and legal counsel, Joint Commission liaisons, safety officers, behavioral health and psychiatric staff, Emergency department staff, and other interested staff.


  • $60 for MHA member hospital and health systems
  • $60 for MHA associate members
  • $75 per person for nonmembers 

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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When and Where
  • 9/25/2024 12:00 PM CDT
  • 9/25/2024 1:30 PM CDT
  • Zoom Webinar